Solo roba per bambini
30 jan 2018 – 16 mar 2018
Solo roba per bambini is a new project which involved the artist for more than ten years: a series of characters made over time and designed with patience that inhabit the space of Volume! as if they were driven by a constant movement. Vota Antonio, Pantani, Cecchino, Giudice, Uno che fa buchi nell’acqua are just some of these strange robot made with recycled materials. They are inhabitants of a space that becomes at the same time scene and actor of the fantastic story played by the artist that is animated by the presence and by the imagination of the viewer.
VOLUME! becomes the guardian of an atmosphere in which lights, shadows, surreal presences and sound of mechanical and sudden movements are mixed and accompany the viewer on an alienating path that, step by step, reveals the progress of the narration.
This series of works is a natural evolution of Giovanni Albanese’s artistic career. After the calculating machines and the work done with the flame bulbs, the artist puts its work at the service of these strange robot. Giovanni Albanese transfer his poetry to his works transforming them into puppets and bringing the playful element back into our everyday life and offering us a new perspective from which to observe the world, with the typical look of those who can still be surprised.
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